"Yeshiva Bnei Simcha for men with Autism Spectrum Disorder—Asperger’s, PDD, and Learning Disabilities.”

What is Bnei Simcha?


Bnei Simcha is a unique Yeshiva for “special needs" men ages 17 to 28. It is designed to incorporate students who are independently functioning and who are capable of maintaining academic schedules and who need assistance in learning, communication, life and social skills.  The Yeshiva is a warm and joyous learning environment offering a program personalized for each student's “special” needs. We look at each individual student and empower him with the healing wisdom of the Torah and Psycho-social techniques and treatments. Mainstreaming is an integral part of our program by allowing the students to participate in a regular American Yeshiva learning program and fulfilling their growth and potential.

At Yeshiva Bnei Simcha, the first English-speaking, adult special needs yeshiva in Israel with mainstreaming, we believe in our students and... they believe in themselves!


Donations for Yeshiva Bnei Simcha, can be either donated through PayPal at the Donation Page or mailed to Israel. 


All Israel donations are tax deductible. 



Contact Information:


Rabbi Dr. Meir Zev Weiner
Dean/Director of Yeshiva
US Number— 1-718-355-8120

Israel House-972-2– 627-1577                           or Cell-972-50-781-0182

E-mail: Ravmeirz@Gmail.com


Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg
Director of Education and Programming
US Number 1-201-645-4822

Israel Cell - 972-54-6202-781

Email: Rashenberg@Gmail.com


For anyone from the US who has questions or needs more information, please call Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg  at the US telephone line 1–201-645-4822.   The US number rings in Israel and is 7hrs ahead of EST. 




For any questions or for more information on Yeshiva Bnei Simcha, please 

Email:   Bneisimcha@Yahoo.com


To reach the webmaster: Please email: Rashenberg@Gmail.com or


Ephraim Sherr, Benny Wachspress, and Ephraim Rosensweig

 (C) Yeshiva Bnei Simcha 2017

Ephraim Rosensweig in a mainstreaming class on “Life Cycles” with Rabbi Mordechai Burg with Yeshiva Mevaseret Zion students.

Yeshiva Bnei Simcha…Above Nature ...Beyond Limitations…Ever Growing

 Yeshiva Bnei Simcha Staff at a Weekly Meeting

"I want to study in a Yeshiva in Israel just like every one else"

Students of Yeshiva Bnei Simcha

Benjee Saltzman, Rabbi Shmuel Landsman, Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg at a staff meeting with Rav Meir Zev Weiner.

Mainstreaming with Yeshiva Mevaseret Zion

School Trip to Kever Rochel

Rabbi Shmuel Landsman, Benny Wachspress, Ephraim Rosensweig, Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg, and Ephraim Sherr at Kever Rochel on October 29th 2009.