YBS Talmid of the Week

(C) Yeshiva Bnei Simcha 2010

Ephraim Sherr

Week of 06/15/10 to 06/22/10

Rebbe Presenting “Talmid of the Week”

Rabbi Shmuel Landsman presenting the “Talmid of the Week” to Ephraim Sherr.  Yasher Koach Ephraim on receiving the certificate!

Click to listen to the Rebbe presenting the “Talmid of the Week” - Ephraim Sherr in mp3 format: 

Presenting the Talmid of the Week

Rebbe Presenting the Certificate to “Talmid of the Week”

Rabbi Shmuel Landsman presenting the “Talmid of the Week” to Ephraim Sherr from the week 06/15/10 to 06/22/10 on “Improvement in Room Cleanliness and Participation in Class.”

Student Speaking to the Yeshiva

Ephraim Sherr is discussing to the Yeshiva how special and important it is in receiving the Talmid of the Week certificate.

Click to listen to the student speaking on receiving the  certificate of the “Talmid of the Week” in mp3 format: Student Speaking

Talmid of the Week Speaking to Yeshiva

Ephraim Sherr expressing his feelings about receiving the certificate to Mordechai the Madrich, Rav Meir Zev Weiner, Rabbi Shmuel Landsman, Benny Wachspress,  and Tuvia Weil.

Certificate of the “Talmid of the Week”

This is the “Talmid of the Week” certificate that Ephraim Sherr received for “Improvement in Room Cleanliness and Participation in Class.”