YBS Talmid of the Week

(C) Yeshiva Bnei Simcha 2010

Benny Wachspress

Week of 01/26/10 to 02/02/10

Rebbe Presenting “Talmid of the Week”

Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg presenting the “Talmid of the Week” to Benny Wachspress  as Ephraim Rosensweig, Rav Meir Zev Weiner, Ephraim Sherr, Benny Wachspress, and Tuvia Weil look on.

Click to listen to the Rebbe presenting the “Talmid of the Week” - Benny Wachspress in mp3 format:

Presenting the Talmid of the Week

Rebbe Presenting the Certificate to “Talmid of the Week”

Rabbi Ashenberg presenting the “Talmid of the Week” to Benny Wachspress from the week 01/26/10 to 02/02/10 on “Taking the Initiative and Standing Up for One’s Rights.”

Student Speaking to the Yeshiva

Benny Wachspress is speaking to the Yeshiva on the reasons he received the certificate and how he feels about getting it.

Click to listen to the student speaking on receiving the  certificate of the “Talmid of the Week” in mp3 format: Student Speaking

Certificate of the “Talmid of the Week”

This is the “Talmid of the Week” certificate that Benny Wachspress received for “Taking the Initiative and Standing Up for One’s Rights.”

Student Showing Certificate to Yeshiva

Benny Wachspress with Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg is showing the certificate to Ephraim Rosensweig, Rav Meir Zev Weiner, Ephraim Sherr, and Tuvia Weil.