(C) Yeshiva Bnei Simcha 2010

Masada Tiyul

May 2nd 2010

Students on the Cable Car up to Masada on Log B’Omer

Our special tiyul trip on Log B’Omer- Ephraim Sherr, Benny Wachspress, and Tuvia Weil are on the cable car up to Masada in the Dead Sea area on May 2nd 2010.

Students standing by a Guards’ Lookout Tower

Ephraim Sherr, Benny Wachspress, and Tuvia Weil standing by a  guards lookout tower that once served as this in Herod’s day.

Rebbe and Students Together at the  Commandant's Residence

Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg, Benny Wachspress, Tuvia Weil, and Ephraim Sherr at the commandant's residence on Masada.

Click to watch our Log B’Omer tiyul to Masada in a video WMV file format:

Log B’Omer Masada Tiyul

Students on the Guard’s Lookout Tower

Ephraim Sherr, Benny Wachspress, and Tuvia Weil standing on the guards lookout tower and having fun exploring Masada.

Students in the Hot Room  in the Large Bathhouse

Benny Wachspress, Ephraim Sherr, and Tuvia Weil standing together in the hot room (caldarium) that was located in the large bathhouse.  Hot aired flowed underneath the floor and rose through clay pipes embedded in the walls.  Today this room would be a steam room. Wow the guys are definitely sweating today!!

Ephraim Sherr, Tuvia Weil, Benny Wachspress, and Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg saying some Tehillim in the synagogue that zealots used. The black line that is shown in the picture means that anything underneath the black line are original from the time of zealots  and the bricks above the black line are restored by the Israeli Antique Authority.

Rebbe and Students Sitting in the Synagogue

Rebbe and Students Standing in a Water Cistern

Ephraim Sherr, Tuvia Weil, and Benny Wachspress  standing in the southern water cistern. This great water cistern has exactly 64 stairs leading in to it and can also been seen in the Masada Tiyul video. The guys counted each step to make sure that it was exactly the number of steps told by the audio tour.

Ephraim Sherr, Tuvia Weil, and Rabbi Reuven Ashenberg standing together in the southern water cistern. What fun it was climbing up and down the 64 stairs!!

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